Are you searching for accommodation in students halls close to the city centre, with a study bedroom and a private bathroom?
Private student halls are only available for students over 18 years of age.
Rooms are offered for the academic year and over the summer vacation (subject to availability at time of booking).
We work with a number of leading halls of residence partners and have rooms reserved for our individual and groups of students.
Oxford Student Halls Self Catered Single Rooms & Studio rooms
The halls include:
Modern fumished room with a single bed, desk and wardrobe
Ensuite bathroom ( own bathroom or shared)
Some blocks are walking distances to town centre
Rooms are furnished with internet, TV/ Phone points, furnished kitchen plus intercom and security entry.
Some with resident parking / cycle sheds in private grounds
Rental terms 51 week contracts
Reading Student Halls Self Catered Single Rooms & Studios
The halls include:
Modern furnished room with a single bed, desk and wardrobe
Ensuite bathroom (own bathroom)
Some blocs are walking distances to town centre
Rooms are furnished with internet, TV / phone points, furnished kitchen plus intercom and security entry.
Some with resident parking/ cycle sheds in private grounds
Flexible rental terms 44 weeks and 51 week
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